Sunday, June 10, 2007

Open ID fixes from the past

It's amazing how reminders from the past come from nowhere.

I saw a post by Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten , co-founder of Fleck on issues he had with Open ID. Well, i replied to his blog and by email and he suggested that i add the number of days the site has been in production for - so i have done this.

It's in very early days, so i don't want people to be put off by the fact it is in alpha - but I am fixing some issues just now, so it's important that people know that. However, things are progressing pretty quickly now :)

Well, Boris actually founded V3, those redirects you see - i remember creating (or which was a WAP site about Glasgow - i think this was done circa 1998/1999. I even remember the structure of the site, which is very simple to fit on WAP phones.

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